Reach a wider audience without doing all the legwork, shipping, packing, meetups, and set up to sell items online. Dog Branch are licensed North Carolina auctioneers and have has a complete infrastructure to sell online. We offer fair commissions, fast payouts, and simplicity of service. Every item you bring will be professionally staged and photographed to show to an audience of eager and interested buyers on our trusted platform.
Auction FAQs
What kinds of items do you take?
We’ll auction almost anything! We’ve sold Tiffany and Co. Vases and Clothes Dryers in the same auction. Give us a call to discuss what you have. There are certain legal restrictions and business limitations but we’re open to discussion on any items that you may have.
Can I set a minimum amount?
Ultimately, it’s your property so you decide. However, we have found that setting minimum bids (or reserves) is a deterrent to buyers. We normally discourage minimum amounts unless it’s a unique situation. Again, we’re open to discussion.
What if my items don’t sell?
In the event that your item(s) doesn’t sell, we can run them again in a future auction or return them to you. We have found that some items which receive no bids in one auction may do well in another. We do, however, reserve the right to return your items to you if we feel the costs to run them again would outweigh any benefit for the company or yourself.
How and when do I get paid?
NC State Auctioneers law requires payment be made to the seller within 30 days of auction close.